Tag Archives: nice guy

Getting to Know Myself Again

You know, this is my fourth post, and I have yet to mention my name (or at least my pseudonym).  It’s Jack, by the way.

I suppose it’s best that I put off mentioning my name until now, because this post is all about getting to know me.  And just maybe — if I am really lucky — this will help me take the first step in really getting to know myself too.

Perhaps I should start explaining things a bit.  You see, I am 33 years old but have spent no more than six months as a single man since my college days!  Of course there are the last five years with my wife (soon to be ex) to consider, but then there are the six years with my ex-girlfriend to take into account as well.  There’s really no two ways about it:  I have no idea how to properly handle myself as a single person!

Looking back at my years on this planet, it is certainly safe to say that I haven’t been much of a ladies’ man.  A bit pudgy and very shy as a teenager (not to mention going to an all-boys high school), dealing with the opposite sex was not exactly my forte.  Girls never seemed to pay much attention to me, and my shyness around members of the opposite sex pretty much nailed down my virginity through the ripe age of 20.  Good God…I’m just realizing now that I have only been single as a non-virgin for a year of my life!

I’m not sure I believe in the whole “sowing wild oats” thing being a beneficial part of developing as a mature adult, but I would be lying to say that I haven’t thought about it throughout the course of my past relationships.  Maybe getting out there and having fun is just what I need to give my self-confidence the boost it so desperately longs for right now.  I’m not saying I want to be a “player” or anything like that, but it would be nice to take a more casual approach to dating and sex.

I realize that I don’t exactly have a huge fan base yet (nor do I expect to ever have one), but if you’re reading this and would like to chime in, please feel free to comment.

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Filed under Getting to Know Myself